Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Why I like CakePHP

There are always so many debates about which framework to use and why. Personally, I really like CakePHP. Although I've tried CodeIgniter and CodeLobster, CakePHP just works for me. Here's why:
  1. The framework truly adheres to MVC structure. I can break away from that structure when needed, but when you have to come back to a website that you haven't worked on for over 2 years, its nice to know exactly where to find everything.
  2. Their use of Object Oriented Programming is awesome. I must admit, it took awhile to get the ins and outs down, but once you know what each object does, it is soooo easy to find what you are looking for. Half the time, you can pretty much guess what to code and since CakePHP adheres to a strict OOP standard, you're usually right!
  3. CakePHP loads in the model. At first this might seem annoying, but if you know the structure of your database very well, this is feature is so great to work with. When you have a data driven website, you are programming based upon the data that you're pulling. Not having to type in extra lines cannot be overlooked.

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